Выступление на пресс-конференции Председателя СВМДА, исполняющего обязанности Министра иностранных дел Республики Казахстан Е.П. Акана Рахметуллина по итогам 6-й встречи Министров иностранных дел СВМДА

Құрметті ханымдар мен мырзалар,

Азиядағы өзара іс-қимыл және сенім шаралары  кеңесі (АӨСШК) Сыртқы істер министрлерінің 6-шы кездесуі жаңа ғана аяқталды.

Өздеріңізге мәлім болғандай, ҚР Тұңғыш Президенті – Елбасы Н.Ә.Назарбаев АӨСШК-нің негізін қалаушысы болып табылады және ол бұл бастаманы 1992 жылы БҰҰ Бас Ассамблеясының 47-сессиясында ұсынды. Өткен жылғы қыркүйекте Қазақстан АӨСШК төрағалығын қабылдады.

АӨСШК Азияның көптеген елдерінің жоғары бағасы мен қолдауына ие болған Қазақстанның алғашқы халықаралық бастамаларының бірі болып табылады. Қазақстан төрағалығы АӨСШК процесін одан әрі дамыту және оның халықаралық аренадағы рөлін нығайту үшін барлық күш-жігерін салып келуде.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The 6th CICA Ministerial Meeting has just concluded. Today’s Meeting was held in an atmosphere of trust and goodwill, which is the main feature of the CICA.

The Meeting was attended by 37 representatives of the Member States, Observer States, Observer Organizations and Partner Organizations.

During the Meeting we discussed and exchanged opinions on the most pressing issues on the international agenda, such as regional security, non-proliferation and disarmament, new threats and challenges, counter-terrorism, and the epidemiological situation.

All the participants emphasized the importance of multilateralism, cooperation in environment protection, adaptation to climate change, sustainable energy transitions, digital economy and transformation, continuing work on mutual recognition of national documents of vaccination against Covid-19, strengthening cultural dialogue, etc.

Special attention was paid to the situation in Afghanistan.

We also exchanged views on CICA’s transformation into an international organization for regional security and agreed to thoroughly study our further steps in this direction.

At the end of the Meeting we adopted updated Catalogue of CICA Confidence Building Measures, the Regulations of the Council of Eminent Persons of the CICA, and amendments to the CICA Rules of Procedure.

In addition to this, Chairmanship of Kazakhstan issued the Chair’s Statement on the outcomes of the 6th CICA Ministerial Meeting.

These documents are particularly relevant in the context of the changing geopolitical situation in the region and the world. We expect that they will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the Conference and will strengthen its role in the international arena.

All Member States welcomed the intention of Kazakhstan to host the 6th CICA Summit dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the CICA next year.

I would like also to inform you that earlier today heads of delegations took part in the collective meeting with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

It was a productive meeting. The President shared his vision regarding CICA’s further institutional development and strengthening of confidence-building measures in Asia. He also nominated the Founder of the CICA, the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev for the post of Head of the Council of Eminent Persons.

Later today, the delegates will attend the opening ceremony of the new office of the CICA Secretariat.

Now let me pass the floor to the Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat H.E. Mr. Kairat Sarybay.

Thank you for your attention.




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