Встреча глав туристических ведомств государств-членов СВМДА, 21-22 ноября 2022 года

  • Главная Встреча глав туристических ведомств государств-членов СВМДА, 21-22 ноября 2022 года


The Republic of Tajikistan, as the coordinator of the tourism priority area, organized a meeting of the heads of tourism departments of the CICA Member States, which was held on 22 November 2022 in an online format.

The meeting attended by representatives from the tourism sector and officials from Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand and Türkiye was inaugurated by Mr. Tojiddin Jurazoda, Chairman of the Committee of Tourism Development of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The idea behind organizing this event was to offer a platform for discussion, exchange of experience and exploring opportunities to boost cooperation in reviving the tourism industry across CICA countries. The event was of particular importance in the context of countries opening their borders to international tourists and was designed to help build a new tourism ecosystem for CICA Member States.

In her opening remarks, Deputy Head of the CICA Secretariat Ms. Chi Fang expressed gratitude to the Republic of Tajikistan for hosting such a significant event in the field of tourism, which was one of the most affected sectors of the economy by the COVID-19 pandemic that washed over the whole world, including the CICA Member States. She stressed the importance of promoting sustainable tourism in the region, creating income opportunities for the local population, strengthening mutual understanding and friendship between peoples and protecting the natural and cultural heritage of destination countries.

The event also highlighted diverse tourism strategies, approaches, methods, new ways of offering services to counter new challenges adopted in CICA countries to support tourism industry. Moreover, it discussed best practices in marketing and promotion of national tourism products, creating favourable environment for tourism associations and companies, as well as prospects for cooperation and identification of new tourist routes in different directions and measures to ensure safety of tourists.


