CICA pursues efforts to establish its Fund

On 14 April 2022, the CICA headquarters hosted an expert meeting on the draft Regulations of the CICA Fund, under the chairmanship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Agency for International Development (KazAID). Experts from 17 Member States held substantive discussions on the draft document that would establish a key tool to increase the practical interaction in the CICA area.

Participants of the meeting exchanged views on the goals, structure and modalities of operation of the future Fund. Delegates made constructive proposals to define certain sections of the Regulations in more details.

As a result, the experts came to an understanding that the work on the Regulations would be continued in close coordination between the Chairmanship and the Member States with the direct support of the Secretariat.

The establishment of the CICA Fund is one of the priorities of the Kazakh Chairmanship for 2020-2022. The Regulations of the Fund are supposed to be submitted for consideration at the Sixth CICA Summit, which will be held on 12-13 October 2022 in Nur-Sultan.
