CICA's contribution to strengthening the role of women, peace and security presented at a roundtable in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Deputy Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Chi Fang participated in the roundtable Pertinent Issues of Women, Peace and Security in Central Asia at the invitation of Deputy Chairperson of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Balaim Kessebayeva to review the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on 21 April 2022. This resolution highlights the role of women in preventing and resolving conflicts to maintain peace and security.

In her statement, Chi Fang shared with the roundtable participants the achievements and upcoming plans under the Conference’s Human Dimension, including the importance of empowering women to achieve their full potential. She noted that the Member States had made meaningful contributions by including gender issues in the CICA Human Dimension agenda. This issue was reflected in the updated Catalogue of Confidence Building Measures adopted following the Sixth Meeting of the CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in last autumn.

The Deputy Executive Director of the Secretariat reported the activities included in the CICA Plan of Implementation of Confidence Building Measures for 2022, namely, the Fifth Meeting of the Youth Council, an advisory body to the Conference that seeks to promote strengthening civic culture and gender equality in the CICA Member States. In 2022, Israel will host an event dedicated to gender equality, and Uzbekistan will host two forums on human rights. Chi Fang also introduced the HR policy of the CICA Secretariat, noting that 50 % of the man power constitute women.

The roundtable was attended by a wide range of guests, including members of the Mazhilis of the Parliament and heads of government agencies of the CICA Chairmanship – the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of diplomatic mission of Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan, representatives of certain international organizations. During the event, guests shared their information on the promotion of gender balance, strengthening peace and security.
