On October 12, 2020, the Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ambassador Kairat Sarybay took part in the online OSCE-2020 Asian Conference “Multilateral responses to global security challenges".

On October 12, 2020, the Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ambassador Kairat Sarybay took part in the online OSCE-2020 Asian Conference “Multilateral responses to global security challenges,  co-chaired by the host state Republic of Korea and Chair of the ‘”Asian Partners  for Co-operation Group”  Slovak Republic.

Ambassador K.Sarybay spoke at the first session on the topic  “Regional confidence - and security building measures (CBMs) and exchanges of best practices between Europe and Asia”.

Executive Director underlined the CICA’s contribution as a multinational platform to strengthening regional and global security. He informed that the Republic of Kazakhstan assumed the CICA chairmanship in a difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic and sees its task in finding new, effective joint solutions to the challenges and threats the world is currently faced with like COVID19 pandemic, economic depression, cybercrime-information warfare and illegal migration.

He also highlighted the agreed position of the Heads of 27 CICA member states, voiced at the Fifth Summit, aimed at collectively countering global security challenges through the implementation of confidence-building measures.

Ambassador K.Sarybay also mentioned a number of confidence-building measures, which contributed to enhancing cooperation in the field of countering terrorism, including regular training workshops for the personnel of Anti-Terrorism agencies and other CBMs being implemented by the CICA member states in areas of border control management, human trafficking and trans-national crimes.

Ambassador K.Sarybay drew attention to common values, objectives and shared membership of CICA and OSCE and urged to jointly combat the regional and global security challenges. He expressed CICA Secretariat’s readiness for closer cooperation with OSCE and other regional and international organizations to achieve the common goals. 

(Full text of the remarks of Ambassador K.Sarybay).
