Experts from CICA states discuss treatment for opioid use disorders

Maintenance treatment for opioid use disorders was the main topic of discussion at a virtual training course for specialists from CICA Member States organized by the Islamic Republic of Iran on 5 December 2022.

The event was attended by representatives of line departments and relevant medical institutions of Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia and Türkiye.

The audience was offered lectures and presentations on the use of various active substances in maintenance therapy. Participants exchanged views on the latest approaches and practices in narcology and psychotherapy in the treatment of opioid use disorders.

Iran, as the coordinator of the priority area of combating illicit drugs, has been holding such training courses for the second year in a row. The issues for discussion are of high relevance and practicality, including in the context of collective efforts of Asian countries, primarily Central Asian, in countering drug trafficking and reducing their negative impact on society.
