Türkiye holds briefing for CICA states on use of scanning systems and other modern technical means of customs control

On 14 December, the Directorate General of Customs Enforcement of the Ministry of Trade of Türkiye organized an online briefing for the Member States of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) on scanning systems, use of technical equipment and projects. This event was the last one in a series of seminars held by the Republic of Türkiye in 2022 as the coordinator in the priority area of new challenges and threats within the framework of confidence building measures of CICA.

In the course of the briefing, the Turkish side shared its experience in using technical means, including scanning systems, in order to detect smuggling of migrants, weapons, narcotic drugs, cultural property, radioactive substances, and other illegal goods through the customs posts of the Republic of Türkiye, as well as explained processing, analyzing and exchanging relevant information within the Turkish customs control system. A separate presentation was devoted to the implementation of promising projects aimed at strengthening customs checkpoints, modernizing and equipping them with advanced detection and control tools, using artificial intelligence to analyze incoming data.

The briefing was attended by representatives of more than 20 CICA Member States. After the keynote presentations, the participants were given the opportunity to discuss existing issues. The event helped to establish contacts between experts of the relevant specialized structures of the Member States.

For 2022, the authorities of the Republic of Türkiye have proposed holding a number of workshops, webinars, briefings and training courses aimed at strengthening confidence building measures in the area of new challenges and threats among the CICA Member States.
