CICA Secretary General holds meeting with Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan

Secretary General of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) Ambassador Kairat Sarybay held a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tileuberdi.

The Secretary General presented the CICA Secretariat's proposals on the elements of a road map for the transformation of the forum into a full-fledged international organization. The sides discussed the implementation of the objectives set forth in the document and the progress made regarding forthcoming meetings of the CICA governing and working bodies in 2023, including the Informal Ministerial Meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, as well as events to be held as part of the CICA institutions – the CICA Youth Council meeting in Samarkand scheduled for April 2023, the Business Council meeting and the Business Forum on food security, green finance and renewable energy in June, which are planned back-to-back with the Astana International Forum.

The meeting also discussed promising projects for further development of the Organization, including the establishment of the CICA Council on Sustainable Connectivity and the Partnership Network of Leading Universities of the CICA Member States, the institutionalization of the CICA Finance Summit, the preparation of the High-level Conference on Environmental Issues in Astana in 2024, the launch of the new CICA Fund and other priority areas of activity.

Minister Tileuberdi also highlighted the issues of financial stability in CICA’s operation, as well as the coordination of Kazakhstan's government authorities in preparation for the upcoming events.

The Kazakh Foreign Minister expressed his general support for the proposed draft road map of transformation and approved an implementation procedure.
