On November 10, 2020, the Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ambassador Kairat Sarybay paid a courtesy visit to the Ambassador of Qatar to Kazakhstan H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz bin Sultan Jassim Majid Al-Rumaihi.

On November 10, 2020, the Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ambassador Kairat Sarybay paid a courtesy visit to the Ambassador of Qatar to Kazakhstan H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz bin Sultan Jassim Majid Al-Rumaihi.

During the conversation Ambassador Kairat Sarybay expressed gratitude for an active participation of Qatar in the CICA events and the recent financial contribution to the CICA budget.

The interlocutors discussed the cooperation prospects within the framework of the Confidence Building Measures. Ambassador Sarybay encouraged Qatar to volunteer the active role in a suitable area of Confidence Building Measures, based on the country's competitive advantages in the international arena.

Ambassador Sarybay also informed that on December 9 and 11, 2020 meetings of the CICA Special Working Group and the Committee of Senior Officials will be held online. It is expected that new Chairmanship’s proposals aimed at further CICA institutionalization will be discussed. He also invited the Ambassador of Qatar to consider the establishment of CICA Ambassador’s Club.

Ambassador Abdulaziz bin Sultan Jassim Majid Al-Rumaihi, noting the importance of achieving the CICA's objectives, supported its further institutionalization​​ into a full pledged organization. He stressed that the CICA’s functionality and authority would grow, contributing to global security.

He noted that Qatar is ready to additionally invest in promising areas of cooperation at the CICA platform.

The interlocutors agreed to intensify cooperation within the CICA Catalogue of CBM’s and to realize its promising potential.
