Kingdom of Morocco is interested in dialogue with CICA

Director of the Office of the Secretary General of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia Yerzhan Birtan held a meeting on 3 May 2023 with Director of the Department of Asian Affairs and Oceania of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates of the Kingdom of Morocco Ambassador Abdelkader El Ansari as part of his visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The counterparts from the Moroccan side confirmed their country's interest in developing and strengthening relations with Asia and Asian states.  In this regard, CICA is of particular interest to the official Rabat as the largest and one of the most important multilateral structures operating on the Asian continent.

In turn, Mr Birtan stressed that CICA in its founding documents recognized Asia's openness to dialogue and cooperation and the interconnection between security in Asia and the rest of the world. Being in its essence a platform for dialogue and cooperation among Asian countries, CICA has granted observer status not only to six Asian states but also to three countries located outside the Asian continent, such as Belarus, Ukraine and the USA. The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere.
