Sri Lanka is interested in enhancing cooperation within CICA

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to Kazakhstan (with concurrent accreditation) Professor Janitha Abeywickrema Liyanage visited the CICA Headquarters during her first official visit to Astana.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka expressed interest in promoting cooperation in tourism, green energy and trade.

Deputy Secretary General Chi Fang noted Sri Lanka's role as co-coordinator of confidence building measures in the priority area of tourism and informed the head of the Sri Lankan diplomatic mission of the potential of the CICA Business Council and its Business Forum as an outreach platform for the business community of the CICA Member States to develop trade and economic relations, as well as build partnerships.

The parties discussed the prospects for cooperation to implement the Kazakh Chairmanship’s initiatives presented by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the Sixth CICA Summit, including the one on the establishment of the CICA Partnership Network of Leading Universities.

Ambassador Janitha Liyanage was briefed on the activities of the Secretariat and the upcoming events of the Conference.  

The parties agreed to continue bilateral contacts.
