CICA Deputy Secretary General takes part in Ministerial Meeting of Non-Aligned Movement Coordinating Bureau in Baku

Deputy Secretary General of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) Chi Fang took part in the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Coordinating Bureau in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, on 5-6 July 2023.

In her address, the Deputy Secretary General noted that major global shocks in recent years have challenged international institutions.

The recent pandemic has severely disrupted businesses, economies, travel and supply chains and exposed weaknesses of connectivity in Asia.

In this regard, Ms Chi Fang informed the participants of the Ministerial Meeting that the Kazakh CICA Chairmanship has been working on establishing a Council on Sustainable Connectivity to assist CICA Member States in developing transit and transport infrastructure networks.

Moreover, the CICA Deputy Secretary General stressed that the Non-Aligned Movement has a rich history of championing the principles of multilateralism and equality. In the context of modern challenges, it is crucial to uphold these principles while recognizing the need for increased collaboration.

Ms Chi Fang called for joint efforts to ensure equitable access to technology, green energy, food and medical supplies.

Issues such as climate change, terrorism and the digital divide require our collective attention, said the CICA Deputy Secretary General. The fostering of dialogue, understanding and cooperation facilitates the joint development of comprehensive strategies to respond collectively to these complex challenges.

The CICA Deputy Secretary General highlighted that the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia remains committed to collaborating with the Non-Aligned Movement and other like-minded organizations in the shared pursuit of peace, security and prosperity and called to strengthen global partnership to confront the emerging challenges of our time.
