Experts discuss development of transit and transport potential of CICA Member States

The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the assistance of the Secretariat of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), held an online CICA experts meeting on 12 July 2023.

The purpose of the meeting, which brought together experts from 15 Member States, was to exchange experience and ideas on the development of transit corridors and transport logistics in Asia.

CICA Deputy Secretary General Chi Fang informed the participants of the meeting that the Kazakh Chairmanship, together with the Secretariat, is working on the concept paper for the establishment of the Council on Sustainable Connectivity, which was initiated by President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the Sixth CICA Summit in October 2022. 

The meeting discussed important topics, such as improving transport infrastructure, cargo transportation and facilitating customs control procedures. The participants also considered issues of increasing the efficiency of transit routes, including the development of multimodal transport systems and the enhancement of logistics connectivity among CICA Member States.

The experts exchanged information on specific measures and recommendations for the development of the transit and transport potential of the CICA Member States, as well as on existing national initiatives and strategies in this area.

The participants were unanimous in their opinion on the need for joint efforts to develop transport infrastructure and increase the efficiency of transit routes that contribute to strengthening economic growth and improving the lives of the people in the CICA region.
