Welcoming remarks by CICA Deputy Secretary General Chi Fang at the online experts meeting on the development of the transit and transport potential of the CICA Member States

Distinguished Sapar Bektassov,

Experts, ladies and gentlemen,

The Secretariat of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia welcomes the Kazakh side’s initiative to hold this experts meeting on the development of the transit and transport potential of the CICA Member States.

The major global shocks of recent years have challenged the world economy, manufacturers, trade and transport links and global supply chains, revealing their vulnerabilities. 

This has had a particularly negative impact on CICA countries. Let me remind that our intergovernmental pan-Asian forum has brought together 28 Member States, which account for the production of two thirds of the world's gross domestic product and global economic growth.

The development and support of the connectivity of trade and economic as well as transit and transport initiatives launched in Asia, such as the Belt and Road, Middle Corridor, project on the regional connectivity of Central and South Asia and many others, certainly serve to maintain the peace and security of our continent as well as its prosperity.

The CICA Chairmanship is working on the establishment of a Council on Sustainable Connectivity initiated by President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the Sixth CICA Summit in October 2022. The aim of this Council will be to assist the CICA Member States in developing a network of transit and transport infrastructures. It is planned to circulate the draft concept paper for the Council among the Member States this August for their consideration. I would like to take this opportunity to call on the experts participating in today's meeting to take an active part in considering the concept paper. 

The development of the transit and transport potential of the CICA Member States, associated with investment generation, harmonization of relevant rules and procedures, and optimization of customs procedures through their digitalization, is aimed at achieving a multiplier effect, positively affecting the economy and socio-economic situation of the entire region, reducing unemployment and poverty, increasing freight traffic and expanding related businesses.

Distinguished participants of the experts meeting, I would like to conclude by wishing you productive work that will positively contribute to the development of the transit and transport potential of the CICA Member States.

12 July 2023
