Online consultations with the coordinators and co-coordinators of the priority areas of the CICA environmental dimension

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with CICA Secretariat held an online meeting in preparation to the CICA High-Level Environmental Conference in Astana in 2024, initiated by the President of Kazakhstan K.Tokayev at the Sixth CICA Summit in October 2022. The online consultation brought together CICA environmental dimension’scoordinators and co-coordinators of the priority areas to discuss concept paper and organizational issues for 2024 Conference. 

In the opening remarks, CICA Deputy Secretary General, Ms. Chi Fang, underlined the environmental vulnerability of the CICA region and encouraged participants to act jointly in addressing environmental challenges. DSG Chi pointed out that CICA High-Level Environmental Conferencewill provide a great opportunity for Member States to exchange breakthrough ideas and widen practical cooperation to contribute to the sustainable development of Asia. On the path to this major CICA Conference, which is expected to be held at the ministerial level, a series of expert meetings will be convened by the Kazakh Chairmanship. 

During the online consultation meeting, representatives of the environmental authorities engaged in constructive dialogue and thoroughly discussed the pivotal directions outlined in the draft concept paper and expressed their support for a series of upcoming expert meetings of line departments to discuss the draft concept paper with all Member States.

