CICA’s 31st Anniversary: From idea to pan-Asian organization

Astana, Kazakhstan – 5 October 2023 – The CICA Secretariat hosted a traditional reception to mark the 31st CICA Day on 5 October 2023 in Astana. On this day in 1992 at the 47th Session of the UN General Assembly the First President of Kazakhstan and CICA Founder Nursultan Nazarbayev put forward the initiative to establish a Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.

The event was broadly attended by members of Parliament and high-ranking officials of the President’s Office and Government of Kazakhstan, leadership of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry, Ambassadors and representatives of Astana diplomatic corps, as well as members of the academic and business community. 

CICA Secretary General Ambassador Kairat Sarybay congratulated all attendees and reflected on major achievements throughout the last year. Ambassador Sarybay stated that he was “glad to announce that following some thorough discussions CICA foreign ministers have agreed on a Road Map for CICA Transformation that outlines 8 clusters for raising our platform to the next level of cooperation.” He also appreciated the high degree of Member States’ interest and involvement in CICA process, especially in the economic, environmental and new threats and challenges dimensions. The Secretary General also thanked the embassies of China and Tajikistan for their generous contribution to the organization of the event. 

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Alibek Bakayev expressed congratulations to CICA on behalf of the Kazakhstan Chairmanship. The Deputy Minister highlighted in his welcoming remarks that the Сhairmanship was “confident that all CICA Members will help to use their political will to make the 21st century the century of Asia by promoting cooperation rather than competition.”

Furthermore, Deputy Minister Bakayev used this solemn moment to award CICA Deputy Secretary General Ms. Chi Fang, a professional diplomat seconded by China, with the “Shapagat” medal. This state award was accorded by the decision of the President of Kazakhstan to appreciate Ms. Chi Fang’s achievements throughout her three-year tenure and her personal contribution to advancing the CICA process.


The Dean of the diplomatic corps, Ambassador of Palestine Dr. Montaser Abu Zeid congratulated the CICA Secretariat for its successes over the past year and thanked Ms. Chi Fang for her outstanding work as CICA Deputy Secretary General, presented her with a gift as a token of appreciation on behalf of the Astana diplomatic missions.


The Deputy Secretary General Ms Chi Fang expressed her gratitude to President of Kazakhstan Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Chairmanship of CICA, the People’s Republic of China and the CICA Secretary General in her award acceptance speech, as well as to colleagues in CICA Member States, Observers, partner organizations and the diplomatic corps.

The event also included the recognition of the participants of the CICA Hiking Tour, who brought the CICA flag to the top of Satpayev Peak of 4317 meters above sea level near Almaty in July 2023. The aspiring mountain climbers received memorable certificates and cut a festive cake.

CICA's 31st anniversary features the practical start of the transformation process which reaffirms CICA Member States’ unwavering commitment to fostering regional cooperation in Asia in all five CICA dimensions and to institutional strengthening of the organization. 


For media inquiries, please contact:
Ms. Akbota Batyrkhan 
PR Officer, CICA Secretariat 
Mobile: +77770362658
Telephone: +7172 576487
