Sixth CICA Youth Council Meeting promotes youth development and regional cooperation

The Sixth meeting of the Youth Council of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) was held in in the historic city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan on 12 October 2023. The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of Uzbekistan, the Youth Affairs Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan with the support of Khokimiyat of the Samarkand region.

The distinguished gathering commenced with opening remarks by the Minister of Youth Policy and Sports of Uzbekistan Mr. Adham Ikramov. He pointed out the importance of CICA as an intergovernmental forum for promoting peace, security and stability in Asia, as well as the significance of CICA Youth Council in formulating a common vision for youth development. Minister Ikramov informed about recent developments in youth policy in Uzbekistan, initiatives like the Youth Parliament and appointing representatives of the Youth Agency in every small village in the country. He also underlined the importance of tackling radicalization of young people to avoid violent extremism.

In his opening statement, CICA Secretary General Ambassador Kairat Sarybay underlined the active role and contribution of Uzbekistan to the overall development of regional processes in the CICA area. Ambassador Sarybay reminded participants that at the Sixth CICA Summit held last year in Astana, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev voiced an important call for systematic cooperation in the interests of the youth. To promote mutual understanding between people of different ages and jointly search for solutions to the most pressing problems of the youth, President Mirziyoyev had proposed a new format – “Dialogue of Generations”, which commenced at this Youth Council Meeting and focused on quality education, climate change and creative economy.

The CICA Secretary General highlighted the outcomes of the CICA Ministerial Council meeting held in New York on 21 September 2023, particularly the endorsement of the Road Map for CICA Transformation and the adoption of the Statement on Promoting Volunteerism for Sustainable Development. The Secretary General also introduced new CICA initiatives, including the Rally of Volunteer Movement Leaders of the CICA Countries, to be held under the auspices of the Youth Council in Astana in 2024, as well as the creation of a Partnership Network of Leading Universities of the CICA Countries.

"The young generation represents the main driving force for sustainable development and prosperity in Asia," noted Ambassador Kairat Sarybay, "Let us collectively chart a direction to empower our youth, to build an Asia that is not only prosperous, but also fair and inclusive.”

During the Youth Council meeting participants delivered statements about national youth policies in their respective countries. Additionally, they had an opportunity to discuss the main causes of youth radicalization and how CICA Member States can work together to prevent its growth through mass media and other means.

Moreover, CICA expert in the new challenges and threats dimension Ambassador Adel Aladaileh made a presentation titled “The Role of Media: Is It Countering or Propagating Radicalization.

The 6th CICA Youth Council meeting gathered more than 100 participants from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Türkiye, Uzbekistan.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - 12 October 2023


About the CICA Youth Council:

The CICA Youth Council is an advisory body responsible for coordinating the activities of its member youth organizations, associations and movements of the CICA Member States. The Youth Council promotes comprehensive cooperation among the CICA Member States towards strengthening interaction, peace and friendship in Asia.



For further inquiries, please contact:

Ms. Akbota Batyrkhan

PR Officer, CICA Secretariat


Mobile: +77770362658

Telephone: +77172 576487
