CICA Bicycle Tour 2024: Promoting Dialogue and Healthy Lifestyles

The CICA Bicycle Tour 2024 was held in the picturesque Burabay National Park, Akmola Region from 31 May to 2 June 2024. The third edition of this annual event once again served as an informal networking platform encouraging healthy lifestyles among the diplomatic community in Astana.

The timing of this event traditionally coincides with the Worid Bicycle Day established by the UN General Assembly to highlight the bicycle as an affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly mode of transport.

Covering a scenic 38-kilometer route, the CICA Bicycle Tour successfully promoted a healthy lifestyle among the participants, while also providing the CICA family with a unique opportunity to strengthen dialogue and cooperation amidst the natural beauty of Northern Kazakhstan, while reinforcing the importance of environmental stewardship.

The event was organized by the CICA Secretariat with the support of the Embassies of Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Akimats of the Akmola Region and the Burabay District.

Among the participating guests were Roman Vassilenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Kairat Sarybay, Secretary General of CICA; Michaela Friberg-Storey, UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan; as well as representatives from the Akimats of the Akmola Region and Burabay District, Heads of Missions, and members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Astana, as well as representatives of various international organizations.

CICA Secretary General Ambassador Kairat Sarybay expressed gratitude to those present for their participation and continued support of the Secretariat's initiatives to hold cultural and sports events and thanked the co-organizers for their assistance in implementing the idea of holding the bicycle tour. He noted that informal meetings under the CICA flag are becoming an established tradition for the diplomatic corps of Astana and contribute to strengthening confidence and friendly relations.




The CICA Secretariat will continue holding such activities in order to strengthen understanding, cooperation, and people-to-people contacts, not only to maintain peace, stability, and security, but also to achieve the common goals of sustainable development under the environmental and human dimensions.






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