Prospects of peace building in Afghanistan and the CICA potential in this process have been discussed during the meeting of the Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ambassador K.Sarybay with the Charge d'Affaires of Afghanistan in Kazakhstan, Mr. Aziz Omar.

Prospects of peace building in Afghanistan and the CICA potential in this process have been discussed during the meeting of the Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ambassador K.Sarybay with the Charge d'Affaires of Afghanistan in Kazakhstan, Mr. Aziz Omar.

Ambassador K. Sarybay noted that promoting peace and security in Afghanistan is one of the CICA priorities. It was agreed that specific Afghan requests on assistance in particular fields will be formulated and submitted to the CICA Secretariat for consideration.

The Afghan diplomat spoke in favor of regular workshops to be held by the authoritative regional clergy in order to prevent spread of religious extremism in the CICA space.

Ambassador K.Sarybay reminded that the CICA Chairmanship regarded the need to support women and youth as one of its priorities. In line with this Chair’s policy the Secretariat will be fully supportive to Afghan request to render assistance to Afghan women and youth involved in Public Administration, voiced at the meeting. 

The interlocutors agreed to continue consultations to facilitate the peace process in Afghanistan.
