The CICA Secretariat Executive Director Ambassador Kairat Sarybay discussed the prospects of cooperation amongst the leading analytical centres on the platform of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) at the meetings with the Centre for East Asian and Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies Director Dr. Alexander Lukin and the Supervisory Board Chairman of  the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute Vladimir Yakunin, during his working visit to Moscow on 22 and 23 February 2021.

Press Release

of Meeting of Executive Director of CICA Secretariat Ambassador Kairat Sarybay with Scientific Expert Group of Russia (Moscow, 22-23 February 2021)


The CICA Secretariat Executive Director Ambassador Kairat Sarybay discussed the prospects of cooperation amongst the leading analytical centres on the platform of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) at the meetings with the Centre for East Asian and Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies Director Dr. Alexander Lukin and the Supervisory Board Chairman of  the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute Vladimir Yakunin, during his working visit to Moscow on 22 and 23 February 2021.

Ambassador Kairat Sarybay informed the interlocutors regarding the CICA Senior Officials Committee decision, upon the initiative of Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship, to transform the CICA Analytical Centre Forum into a permanent platform of dialogue.  

Alexander Lukin expressed his interest in the development of “Track II” in the framework of CICA with respect to the new role of Asia in the global economy and politics. According to the renowned analyst, the Asian forum could significantly contribute to the development of security architecture concept, based on commitment to uphold the plurality of interests of the CICA Member States. A. Lukin shared his experience of the SOC Forum, which is a multilateral mechanism of expertise and scientific support.  

The increasingly connectivity matters favouring the implementation of an idea of partnership and security area of Great EuroAsia were the subject of interlocution with Vladimir Yakunin, a renowned supporter of dialogue of civilization, member of the Board of Trustees, Moscow State Institute of International Relations and the Fund named after A. Gorchakov. V. Yakunin emphasized the relevance of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev’s initiative to convene the CICA which had attained a recognized niche within the multilateral system of diplomacy for 30 years of its incremental development, since the Forum is based on the principles of equitable dialogue.  

The matters pertaining to the development of intercultural dialogue and cooperation of scientific-research centers within the framework of CICA were discussed at the meeting with the Director of the State Museum of Oriental Art Alexander Sedov. The CICA Executive Director familiarized himself with the museum’s extensive collection representing an ancient and diverse culture of peoples of Asia.




