Statements and Remarks of CICA Secretary General Ambassador Kairat Sarybay

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Remarks by the CICA Secretary General at the CICA Ministerial Conference on Environmental Issues


Thank you, Mr. Chairman,

Distinguished Ministers, Esteemed Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you all to the CICA Ministerial Conference on Environmental Issues.

This conference, just as many other forward-looking initiatives of the Kazakh Chairmanship, was proposed by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the Sixth CICA Summit. It proves our shared commitment to finding regional solutions to global challenges using the unique CICA platform.

Therefore, I extend my sincere gratitude to the Government of Kazakhstan represented today by the Chair - Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mr. Yerlan Nyssanbayev and his able team for hosting the event.  Over the past nine months, CICA Member States gathered for multiple expert meetings to explore their environmental perspectives and eventually put together a robust outcome document that we plan to adopt today.

This conference marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to address the urgent environmental issues confronting our vast continent. Despite the diversity of ecosystems, climates, and cultures of the CICA region, its 28 Member States face common environmental challenges that demand a unified and coordinated response.

The Environmental Dimension of CICA focuses on three priority areas: namely “Sustainable development”, “Environment protection” and “Natural disaster management”. By hosting a number of useful events according to an annual Plan, CICA Member States contribute to the practical implementation of confidence building measures, including those aligning with CICA's overarching environmental goals and addressing the unprecedented difficulties posed by climate change.

For example, in 2023 Bangladesh organized a "CICA Workshop on Ecosystem Restoration in the Context of Climate and Other Vulnerability", which highlighted the region's vulnerability to environmental challenges. Furthermore, as the coordinator of the “Sustainable development” priority area, Thailand organized an "International Training Course on Sustainable Waste Management in a Circular Economy".

As the coordinator of the “Natural disaster management” priority area, Iran had prepared a corresponding concept paper which was approved by the CICA Senior Officials Committee in December 2023.

Through these collaborative efforts and by sharing best practices, CICA Member States work to combat environmental threats and promote sustainable development in the region stretching from the Pacific to the Mediterranean Sea and from the Arctic to the Indian Ocean.

Covering such a vast space and connecting such a diverse span of countries and cultures, CICA certainly promotes synergies with other international organizations, including observers such as the UN and its structures.

Just recently in April 2024, on the margins of the 80th session of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), CICA hosted a side-event titled “Leveraging Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific – The Role of Regional Partnerships.” The event, jointly organized by CICA and UNESCAP Secretariats in Bangkok, brought together experts from diverse sectors to discuss environmental challenges, digital economy promotion, emergency response, and ways to enhancing regional cooperation.

Furthermore, the incoming CICA Chairmanship – Azerbaijan will host a momentous global event of this year - COP-29. On the margins of this landmark Conference, CICA intends to organize a side aiming to explore innovative strategies for promoting environmental sustainability within transportation networks.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Today, our discussions will focus on critical areas like pollution, climate change, green and sustainable economy, biodiversity, and clean water. These topics are not just items on an agenda; they are the cornerstones of our strategy to promote environmental sustainability across our region.

For instance, the natural disasters we have witnessed this decade have proven our societies' fragility. The severe flooding in Kazakhstan earlier this year displaced nearly 117,000 people, highlighting the need for sustainable water management. We need to reduce the vulnerability of our societies and countries to environmental challenges through synergy and collaborative work. To promote sustainable development, we must protect vulnerable communities and enhance resilience against climate-induced extreme weather events.

The challenges we face are growing, but the opportunities for positive change are equally great. To effectively address these challenges, we must strengthen our regional environmental governance structures. By working together, we can ensure that the CICA region becomes a model of environmental sustainability and resilience.

Let us commit to bold actions that will secure a prosperous and sustainable future for all. The CICA Secretariat is dedicated to assist the Member States in organizing the events under the CICA platform and invites Member States to propose workshops or seminars to the annual plan on CBM implementation.

As it was noted by President Tokayev at the Sixth CICA Summit, the results of this conference may become the basis for establishing a CICA Council for environmental cooperation in the future. So, it is my hope that this conference will serve as a significant milestone towards greater cooperation in this crucial area within CICA.

Excellencies, dear delegates, I wish you all a fruitful and productive conference for the benefit of our vast Asian continent. 


Thank you.



28 August, 2024

Astana, Kazakhstan


