Statements and Remarks of CICA Secretary General Ambassador Kairat Sarybay

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Remarks by the CICA Secretary General at the Falcon Day International Forum


Distinguished Chair,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor to join you on this special occasion, Falcon Day, a day that reminds us of the majesty of nature and the critical importance of protecting our shared biodiversity. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia, Alexander Kozlov, and all stakeholders for organizing this event.
The Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) provides a multilateral platform for ensuring peace, security, and stability in Asia. CICA brings together 28 Member States across the region. I am proud to say that our organization has long recognized the fundamental value of biodiversity. The falcon, a symbol of strength and grace, also represents species that, like many others, face challenges in our rapidly changing world due to environmental issues.
At our recent CICA Ministerial Conference on Environmental Issues held on 28 August 2024, the delegations of Member States signed a high-level statement, dedicating significant attention to the protection of biodiversity, pollution control, green and sustainable economies, climate change, and clean water.
The conference led to significant agreements, including enhanced regional cooperation on environmental issues and a unified approach to tackling climate change. The Ministers emphasized the importance of sustainable practices, focusing on reversing biodiversity loss, managing ecosystems, and ensuring clean water. Additionally, CICA Member States pledged to support each other in achieving their environmental goals, promoting sustainability, and improving the quality of life across the region. I believe that this conference will be a milestone for the CICA region.

Ladies and gentlemen,

CICA has five dimensions, one of which is the environmental dimension, with three priority areas: sustainable development, environmental protection, and natural disaster management. Each priority area has a coordinating country. CICA Member States organize seminars, workshops, and training sessions under this dimension to align efforts with CICA's overarching environmental goals. 
Today, I would like to extend an invitation to all stakeholders here. We welcome you to join us on our dialogue platform, where we regularly hold seminars and discussions under the environmental dimension. These events are vital in fostering cooperation and sharing best practices, especially in protecting our region's rich biodiversity.
I would like to underline that by building confidence and promoting collaboration, we can protect the natural world that sustains us all.

Thank you.

3 September 2024

Vladivostok, Russian Federation


