CICA Alley – contribution to greening the planet

 CICA Alley – contribution to greening the planet


The Alley of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) was opened next to the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation in Nur-Sultan city on June 1, 2021.

30 red rowan trees were planted by representatives of CICA Member States and Observer States in the Presidential Park on the eve of the 30th anniversary of CICA, as the manifestation of peace, fertility and prosperity.

The event was attended by Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ambassador Kairat Sarybay, Chairperson of the Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan Ms. Aigul Solovieva, Heads of Diplomatic Missions of CICA Member States and Observer States in Nur-Sultan and ecoactivists of the capital city led by Chairperson of the United Children and Youth Organization “Zhas Ulan” Ms. Dinara Sadvakassova.

 “Innauguration of the Alley corresponds the main aims of CICA under environment dimension and represents a contribution of our forum to reaching UN Sustainable Development Goals” said Executive Director Sarybay in his address to the participants.

Ms. Solovieva thanked CICA for its support of the principles of green development, and Ms. Sadvakassova stressed the importance of nurturing environmental culture among  young people.

The inauguration of the Alley organized by the CICA Secretariat in cooperation with the Sustainable Development Earth Foundation has become a humble contribution to the greening of Kazakhstan’s capital. 


As is known, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy H.E. Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev initiated the idea of convening CICA   at the 47th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on 5 October 1992.





