Law enforcement officers of the CICA Member States exchange experience in the field of crime intelligence analysis

Law enforcement officers of the CICA Member States exchange experience in the field of crime intelligence analysis

 Turkey, as the Coordinator of the New Threats and Challenges Dimension, conducted the first part of the training course for criminal police officers on “Crime Intelligence Analysis” on May 24-28, 2021.

 The event was organized by the Turkish International Academy against Drugs and Organized Crime (TADOC) under the Turkish Ministry of Interior.

 The online event was attended by employees of law enforcement bodies and security agencies from 11 CICA Member States, including Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Palestine, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as officers of the CICA Secretariat.

 In the course of the training, TADOC instructors shared the experience of Turkish law enforcement agencies on the assessment of sources of information, effective use of integrated databases, analysis of financial flows and their interrelation, aspects of personality analysis.

 The last day of the training was devoted to a case study, where law enforcement officers were offered to consider and apply the knowledge gained to a particular situation from specific criminal cases.

 The second part of the said training course began on May 31 and will last until June 4, 2021.

