Increasing visibility and strengthening CICA’ role in global affairs by participating at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum

Increasing visibility and strengthening CICA’ role in global affairs by participating at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum

At the invitation of Foreign Minister of Turkey H.E. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu CICA Executive Director Ambassador Kairat Sarybay attended the Antalya Diplomacy Forum on June 18-20, 2021. Heads of State, Foreign Ministers, politicians, opinion makers, and academics from around the world gathered in Antalya to discuss global issues, including the global growth of Asia’s role.

Executive Director held several bilateral meetings with Foreign Minister of Palestine H.E. Riad Malki, Foreign Minister of Tajikistan H.E. Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Foreign Minister of Malaysia H.E. Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein, Secretary West of Bangladesh MFA H.E. Shabbir Ahmad Chowdhurry and Director General for International Security at Turkish MFA H.E. Gülin Dinç on the margins of the Forum. Interlocutors discussed the necessity to adapt CICA to new realities, increase the international standing of CICA and strengthen its capacity for a higher degree of interaction. Executive Director briefed on the implementation of Kazakhstan’s CICA Chairmanship priorities and outcome of a number of activities.

Enhancing synergy between international organizations and arrangements towards achievement of common goals and benefits of inclusive and networked multilateralism were main points of the meetings of Ambassador Kairat Sarybay with UN Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia, and Americas H.E. Miroslav Jenča, Economic Cooperation Organisation Secretary General H.E. Hadi Soleimanpour, Secretary General of Asian Parliamentary Assembly H.E. Mohammad Reza Majidi and Director General of International Center for Migration Policy Development Mr. Michael Spindelegger.

CICA Executive Director was privileged to moderate the panel discussion on the “Regional cooperation in Asia”, where Foreign Ministers of Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan discussed the ways of enhancing security, stability and prosperity of the Asian mega-region through regional cooperation tools.

Three-day ADF was an efficient platform for increasing CICA visibility.

