On May 2, 2019, Executive director of CICA Secretariat Mr. Khabib Mirzozoda met with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Zhenbek Kulubayev.

About the meeting with Zh. Kulubayev, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan

On May 2, 2019, Executive director of CICA Secretariat Mr. Khabib Mirzozoda met with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Zhenbek Kulubayev.

Mr. Mirzozoda informed his interlocutor about the results of the discussion of the draft declaration to be adopted by the Heads of state and government during Fifth CICA Summit in Dushanbe on June 15, 2019.

The head of Secretariat also invited Kyrgyzstan to attend in the next Senior officials committee meeting, which to be held in May in Nur-Sultan. He expressed the wish to intensify the activities in human dimension of CICA, coordinated by Kyrgyz side.

Mr. Mirzozoda informed the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic about the events that will be organized this year under the auspices of the CICA, such as youth forum in Ramallah (Palestine), the film festival and forum of young bloggers of the CICA member countries (Kazakhstan) and; invited the Kyrgyz side to make a contribution in implementation of the activities to the human dimension of the CICA. Mr. Mirzozoda also mentioned that he would welcome the secondment of a diplomat from Kyrgyzstan to the Secretariat.

Kyrgyz Ambassador Zh. Kulubayev noted the relevance of the work of the CICA and confirmed the participation of President of Kyrgyzstan in Fifth CICA Summit. The Ambassador informed that he will initiate inclusion of organization of events in the human dimension into plan of events for 2020 of Kyrgyz MFA, where Kyrgyzstan is co-coordinator.
