CICA Think Tank Forum transformed into the CICA Institute

The CICA Member States have decided to transform the CICA Think Tank Forum (TTF) into an information and analytical advisory body that will provide information and analytical support for activities within the CICA framework and to develop interaction among think tanks and research institutions of the CICA Member States.

The CICA Senior Officials Committee adopted the Regulations of the TTF by the decision dated October 7, 2021, creating a regulatory framework for its activities.

The Think Tank Forum was founded within the framework of CICA on the initiative of the People's Republic of China in 2014, and coordinated by the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies. From 2014 to 2020, the Chinese institute organized 8 round tables of TTF, the results of which formed the basis for individual decisions on how to improve cooperation between the CICA Member States on specific confidence-building measures.

On June 15, 2019, in his speech at the 5th CICA Summit, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that the activities of the Conference needed to be supported by high-quality expertise in all dimensions. In this regard, he put forward the initiative to strengthen the capacity of the CICA think tanks by transforming them into a permanent dialogue platform.

The initiative was supported by all Member States, which, after detailed elaboration, approved the Regulations on the TTF.

According to the document, the goals and objectives of the TTF are:


The TTF will consist of one high-profile think tank or research institution from each CICA Member State, which is appointed by the Member State. At the same time, the Member States will be able to send additional think tanks or research institutions for permanent or temporary participation in the Forum.

The activities of the TTF will be organized within the framework of an annual Action Plan, which will be approved by the CICA Senior Officials Committee.
