Address by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev to the participants of the Sixth Meeting of CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Excellencies, Heads of delegations, Ladies and gentlemen,

I am glad to be welcoming the participants and guests of the 6th meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.

Today's event is of particular significance, as it is taking place on the eve of an important milestone – next year marks the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's initiative to convene the CICA.

During this period, thanks to the valuable contribution of each of the states present in this audience, the Conference came around and proved its pertinence and relevance.

Currently, CICA is a unique international structure with activities aimed at political rapprochement between countries, creating a common and inclusive space of security and stability in Asia, solving the most pressing issues of the continent through negotiation mechanisms and a multilateral approach to cooperation.

The Forum brings together 27 states, which cover 90% of the territory of Asia and make up half of the world's population, generate more than 50% of global GDP and are responsible for two-thirds of the growth of the global economy.

We have held five CICA summits so far. The Secretariat and working bodies are functioning, as well as the Business and Youth Councils. The Conference have established relations with multilateral structures at the global and regional levels. The CICA has an observer status at the UN General Assembly.

Meanwhile, prestige, role and geography of the Conference are expanding, as evidenced by the engagement of more and more countries and international organizations in its work.

Dear participants,

Over the years of CICA’s activities, a lot has changed; the world and our states have transformed.

With regards to Asia, one can note that it is now an essential political center of the planet, that, in contrast to the concepts of global domination and cold wars, is actively promoting the principles of partnership, equality and mutual solidarity for the common future of mankind. Asia today ranks first among the regions of the world with the highest rates of economic growth, while still possessing huge untapped economic, human and natural potential. As I have already spoken about at a number of international platforms, we have a good background for enhancing practical interaction between the CICA and the OSCE for establishment of a common Eurasian security system.

Only one thing has not changed and will not ever change: Asia is our common home, where countries are directly responsible for the state of affairs, the overall atmosphere and the solution of salient issues.

Unfortunately, the CICA space still encounters hotbeds of tension and zones of instability, territorial disputes, issues of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, terrorism and extremism, and other issues.

Dear friends,

Despite the substantial results of the CICA’s activities, I think that the implementation of the main mission of the forum is still ahead of us.

As I see it, for this purpose the parties to the Conference will have to go through a difficult transformation: from a generally recognized continental platform for dialogue and search for compromises to a full-fledged international organization that develops and implements effective solutions to build a new political architecture in Asia of the 21st century.

I am confident that the tremendous work carried out over the past years by the CICA, and strong political will of its member states will ultimately help institute a common indivisible space of security, trust and interaction in Asia.

The nations and states of the continent deserve to live and develop as a single family, in peace and cooperation with all other countries of the world, in the atmosphere of mutual support, harmonious coexistence and prosperity.

I wish the participants success in this challenging but important and noble endeavor.

Thank you.
