Remarks by UN SRSG for Cental Asia, the Head of the UNRCCA, Ms Natalia Gherman, on behalf of United Nations Secretary-General H.E. Antonio Guterres at the Sixth Meeting of CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs


I am honored to address the Sixth Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia on behalf of United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since its establishment CICA has been committed to strengthening trust, confidence and coordination among its member states and to promoting security and stability in the region, thus making a valuable contribution to peace and development in Asia. 

Global threats, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate emergency, have demonstrated our fragility and the necessity of coordinated global action and solidarity.

The cooperation that has taken place between CICA countries during this challenging time is truly commendable. It is essential for effective responses and achieving inclusive and sustainable economic recovery, guided by the 2030 Agenda.

The new reality in Afghanistan is being shaped. CICA members States are bound to play an important role in restoring peace and security in Afghanistan. You could stand and act together to contribute to suppressing the global terrorist threat in Afghanistan and to ensure that basic human rights are respected, in particular the rights of women and girls.


The United Nations looks forward to continuing our work with CICA to build a stronger multilateral system that protects the shared interests of us all.

I look forward to the results of the Conference and wish Kazakhstan a successful chairmanship.

Thank you.
