On 23 September 2021, the Republic of Azerbaijan held, within the framework of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), a meeting of experts from CICA Member States on “Promoting Cooperation in Order to Strengthen the Digitalization in Transport and Logistics Operations”.
The event was conducted under the CICA priority area on Development of Secure and Effective Systems of Transportation Corridors, coordinated by Azerbaijan. The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The expert meeting was attended by heads of government agencies, line experts and specialists from 19 CICA Member States, including Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam.
The meeting participants discussed the following topics: “National practices in digitalization of transport and logistics operations in CICA Member States” and “Digitalization of transport corridors: cooperation and future development perspectives among CICA Member States”.
Welcoming remarks were delivered by CICA Deputy Executive Director Ms. Chi Fang, who noted that transport and logistics infrastructure was a key element of the economic development of any country without exception, and the relevance of the topic was evident against the background of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. In that regard, the experts from Member States had an excellent opportunity to use CICA as a platform to exchange experience, consult with each other, share ideas, as well as create the basis for new mutually beneficial projects.
Opening the session of the CICA expert meeting, Mr. Rahman Hummatov, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, highlighted involvement of the Republic of Azerbaijan in projects developing regional cooperation in the field of transport, as well as the country’s support for new initiatives to digitize transport corridors.
The participants shared best practices and information in the field of digitalization of transport and logistics operations, as well as discussed possible areas of cooperation among CICA Member States and active dialogue between key stakeholders in this domain.
The presentations made by the participants were accompanied by interesting questions, discussions, additional remarks, which contributed to the active exchange of views and experience on development of secure and effective systems of transportation corridors.