Statements and Remarks of CICA Secretary General Ambassador Kairat Sarybay

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Remarks of CICA Secretary General Kairat Sarybay at the 13th Plenary Session of TURKPA “Green Horizons for the Turkic World: Role of Parliaments in Achieving Green Agenda


TürkPA nümayəndə heyətinin başçıları və qardaş xalqların hörmətli deputatları,

Dəyərli iştirakçılar, xanımlar və cənablar!


Hörmətli Azərbaycan Milli Məclisinin Sədri, Sahibə Qafarova xanıma və digər Azərbaycanlı həmkarlarımıza səmimi qəbula və bugünkü tədbirin gözəl təşkilinə görə təşəkkürümü bildirirəm.

Değerli meslektaşım, TURKPA Genel Sekreteri Sayın Mehmet Süreyya Er'e nazik davetlerinden dolayı minnettarım.

I am glad to be back in the beautiful, historical city of Baku and I am honoured to represent CICA – a 28-member pan-Asian organization that will be chaired by Azerbaijan over the next two years. This Chairmanship of Azerbaijan, recently approved by CICA Member States, will commence on November 11. On that day, Baku will host not only the 7th CICA Ministerial Council meeting – where it will accept the Chairmanship from Kazakhstan – but also the truly global event – COP29.

All these efforts, including today’s TURKPA plenary session, testify to Azerbaijan’s recognized role as a champion of multilateralism propelled by the wise leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. 

Historically, parliaments have played a crucial role in promoting multilateral diplomacy. Therefore, TURKPA certainly adds an important value to the cooperation of its member states, which are also part of the CICA family and share the values of peace, trust, prosperity and dialogue in Asia.

For a dozen years, CICA and TURKPA have enjoyed a strong partnership ever since TURKPA gained the status of a CICA Observer Organization.

TURKPA Member States were instrumental in adopting the historic decisions of the Sixth CICA Summit in Astana in October 2022, where our Heads of State or Government launched the process of CICA’s transformation into a full-fledged regional international organization.

At that Summit in Astana, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev presented a number of forward-looking initiatives covering several areas of cooperation.

Echoing the topic of today’s plenary session is his initiative to hold a CICA Ministerial Conference on Environment, which is meant to give the Member States an excellent chance to exchange best practices, aimed at eliminating the negative effects of environmental factors, and to explore ways to institutionalize cooperation in this crucial area.  

Another priority of the Kazakh Chairmanship resonating with the “Green Horizons” theme is President Tokayev’s initiative to establish a CICA Council on Sustainable Connectivity to tackle modern global economic challenges, such as supply chain disruptions.


Ladies and gentlemen!

Focusing on the urgency of the green agenda, we are at a critical juncture in history. Climate change, environmental degradation and resource depletion are immediate challenges impacting our economies and societies.

As a member-driven organization, CICA has played a pivotal role in fostering regional cooperation and trust and has prioritized environmental issues as part of its comprehensive agenda. In order to combat, prevent and mitigate the said challenges, the Member States hold different events on regional environmental problems, green transformation, circular economy, sustainable development and disaster risk reduction under the CICA environmental dimension.

But besides environmental issues, there are several areas that provide opportunities for synergy between CICA and TURKPA.

Yesterday, this building hosted a meeting of the TURKPA Young Parliamentarians Group whose goal is to encourage the participation of young parliamentarians in the work of not only TURKPA, but also other international organizations. One of the permanent advisory bodies of CICA is the Youth Council. Let me inform Your Excellencies that this October the outgoing Kazakh Chairmanship plans to host a Ministerial level meeting of the CICA Youth Council and a Rally of Volunteer Movements leaders under its auspices.

Another sphere where our two organizations could synergize their efforts is women empowerment, and we know that the TURKPA Women Parliamentarians Group had a meeting here yesterday as well. As an inherent part of the CICA Catalogue of Confidence Building Measures, “Empowering women and girls” has been attracting growing attention of CICA Member States. For example, this topic is among the key agenda items of the Human dimension review planned as part of the upcoming CICA SOC meeting, as well as the upcoming plenary session of the CICA Business Council in Bishkek.


Distinguished Heads of Delegations, Members of Parliaments, dear colleagues!

The parliaments of Turkic countries possess the authority and responsibility to drive progress in environmental issues and beyond through thoughtful legislation and strategic investments. By working in concert with organizations like CICA, we can amplify our efforts and achieve greater synergy.


I thank you!


6 June 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan


