Press Releases

On October 14, 2020, Deputy Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ms.Chi Fang and the Member of the Professional Personnel Mrs.Sholpan Yelkeyeva took part in the virtual Interregional Conference "Impact of New Technologies on International Security and Terrorism"

On October 14, 2020, Deputy Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat Ms.Chi Fang and the Member of the Professional Personnel Mrs.Sholpan Yelkeyeva took part in the virtual Interregional Conference "Impact of New Technologies on International Security and Terrorism", organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and the OSCE Secretariat.

International experts in the field of cybersecurity, biological weapons, countering terrorism made presentations on the risks assessment and possible consequences of the uncontrolled deployment of new technologies.

In particular, the impact of artificial intelligence products, genetically modified and artificially generated new living organisms (viruses, bacteria), as well as aggressive propaganda based on the targeting human cognitive abilities, use of social platforms and the cryptocurrencies have been considered as new threats and challenges.

Experts stated that the application of these technologies by non-state actors dramatically increases the risks associated with the destructive force of terrorist attacks, uncontrolled behavior of large masses of people and the possibility of international conflicts on a global scale.

It was underlined that cooperation of concerned national and international agencies is vital to provide safe and secure research and decrease unpredictable and fatal consequences a new technologies potentially bear into civil society. The cross-international tests, joint standardization and mutual certification have been offered as tools to decrease the potential risks.

Scientists and experts have pointed to the need to maintain a balance between risks and opportunities that arise while using new technologies. They called for strengthening public-private partnerships, upgrading awareness among civil society of potential risks and keeping moral boundaries in mind when conducting new research.

More than 90 experts from 30 countries and UN, EU, NATO took part in the conference.

The uncontrolled deployment of new technologies with potentially dangerous impact factor belongs to “New Challenges and Threats” dimension of the CICA activities.

