Forthcoming Events

Meeting of the CICA Senior Officials Committee

Date and time: 12 December 2023, 10:00 (GMT+06)

Host: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, assisted by the CICA Secretariat

Venue: Beijing Palace Soluxe Hotel Astana,  Syganak St 45, Astana city, Republic of Kazakhstan   

Event format: Hybrid

Participants: representatives of the CICA Member States

The final SOC meeting of 2023 will review the annual reports presented by the Kazakhstan Chairmanship and CICA Secretary General. It will consider the annual plan of implementation of CBMs for 2024. Additionally, the meeting will make decision related to the budget of the CICA Secretariat for 2024 and will engage in discussions on concept papers, coordinators, and co-coordinators in priority areas, and developing relations with other international organizations.

For more information and registration (for the CICA Member States only): Senior Officer Mr. Arkadii Koshcheev, email:
