In capacity of coordinator in implementation of CBMs in ‘New Challenges and Threats’ dimension, Republic of Turkey organized a five days Training Program ‘Risk analysis and search techniques’ in Ankara on 15-19 April 2019. Participants from ten member states- Azerbaijan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Palestine, Qatar, Thailand and Sri Lanka participated in the training program, organized in Counter Narcotics Academy (NEA) located in Ankara.
The training program was aimed to equip the participants with required information, skills and attitude for safe and effective search of individuals, vehicles, buildings, goods and furniture to obtain evidences in all kinds of anti-smuggling operations and investigations.
During the training, Turkish anti narcotics experts briefed about the Turkish infrastructure and efforts in combating illicit drugs. Experts shared their best practices in anti narcotics operations by giving the real examples. Main topics of the training program included analyzing the risk during the interrogation of suspects, types of concealments, concealment methods, concealments methods in large vehicles; and ethical rules and legal structure. The approach of training program was practical and interactive. Participants from member states also shared the local best practices, challenges, legal structure and anti narcotics efforts.